
Monday, April 18, 2011

Being "Free to Serve God" is not a concept for a select few.

Greetings in the name of the Lord

Christ Follower – A Full-Time Calling
I believe every true Christ follower wants to walk on the water with Jesus. What I mean by this is simply that we have a desire to live in a daily relationship with our Lord. We want to serve Him faithfully, to trust Him implicitly, and to please Him continuously. Understand that the application of God's will looks different for each believer. Some may sense that God is calling them to the position of pastor. Others may believe they are being called to the mission field. Still others are perhaps sensing the call to a teaching ministry or a music ministry. These are callings that man usually refers to as the full-time Christian ministries. By this we mean that these positions are not only the way a person serves God, but also the way the person earns his income. While this may be true, it is my firm conviction that, just as God never calls anyone to be a part-time Christian, neither does He expect a person to be a part-time servant or have a part-time desire to please Him. Every believer is called to Christian service with the expectation that there will be a full-time desire to please God.

Let's take Paul for example. He was a tent maker. He did this because he did not want to be financially dependent on the churches to which he was ministering. In this way no one could accuse Paul of "being in it for the money." I do not think any of us believe that Paul was only committed to God on a part-time basis or that his secular vocation was what defined him. I am sure if you met Paul on the road and asked him what kind of work he was in, Paul would not have replied, "I'm in manufacturing and sales." That may have been the way Paul earned a living, but I feel certain Paul's reply would have been more along the line of, "I am a servant of the Most High God!" This is what defined Paul; this was his full-time calling!

This means that growing as a Christ follower is not just for those who are being called to a position that allows them to earn their income through the ministry of the gospel. 

It means this article is for every born-again believer who has the desire to serve and please God, regardless of how they earn a living. 

Being "Free to Serve God" is not a concept for a select few. It is the heart cry of every Christian desiring to live a life surrendered to God, of every person seeking meaning and purpose in life, and of every child of God who longs to one day hear "Well done, good and faithful servant…enter now into the joy of your Lord!" It is the expectation of God that every one of His children learn how to live free to serve Him. 


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