
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Formula for Godly happiness -- It"s contagious!

Aloha and Greetings to all. 

Happy New Year!  Hau‘oli Makahiki Hou

The new year has arrived, 2012.  It's just not another year rather 365 days of opportunities.  Many have set a "resolution" for this year and some just living every day to their fullest.  New books to read, places to travel to, and new friends to meet.  Life is new, fresh, exciting, and sometimes challenging.  All in which are necessary to live a "happy" life.  You probably have heard the saying, "Don't worry, be happy".

But, is that it?  Is a happy life here on earth all that it is or is there a "purpose", a "reason" why we exist.  Everyone wants to be happy, and yes I mean everyone.

  "To be happy, holiness, and righteousness need to exist in the formula for Godly happiness." 

As a devoted follower of Christ Jesus, it is my desire to walk righteously as God's will for my life.  I know it only can happen with Jesus and not on my own.  The Holy Spirit will lead my life through PRAYING, READING HIS WORD, AND OBEDIENCE.    I am praying God will open the eyes of my heart to see what He sees, and I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be pleasing to Him.  

As a worship pastor, I pray that God will search my heart, change me to a "holiness and righteousness" worshiper. As good as that sounds, I know God plan's is authentic, and transforming.  I want to learn how to approach God with an extraordinary holiness that I never experienced in my life before.  I want to be transformed into His likeness, His power, and His glory.  I also pray that as an instrument of His worship, He will draw His chosen people into a worship of Holiness.  Let us pray together for "HOLINESS" HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and that God will set us apart for service.

"Holy, Holy, Holy," based on Isaiah 6:3. The LORD - Yahweh - is the thrice-holy God. When the Hebrews wanted to give heightened significance to something in their language, they repeated it. Saying it three times raised it to the ultimate. The LORD God is ultimate holiness - He is the thrice-holy God. But what does it mean to be holy?

First, it means righteousness. Yahweh alone is altogether righteous - He always does what is right. Second, holiness means to be set apart. God is not a part of His creation, but altogether separate from it. On the other hand, Isaiah, as he is called to the prophetic office, realizes that he is altogether wicked. He is a "man of unclean lips." He cannot approach God's throne. Still God has a plan. By pure grace, He cleanses the prophet from sin, taking away his guilt. Like Abraham in Genesis 15:6, like Saul on the Damascus Road, and like you and me in rebirth, Isaiah has received an alien righteousness and has been set apart for service.

Happy people draws others towards them.  ---  IT'S CONTAGIOUS!

May God fill you with many Pōmaika`i (blessings)

Aloha nui loa (Much love), ...

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