
Thursday, January 19, 2012

"The next new technology" a world epidemic!

How we communicate, live, share, spend, are relevant attributes and characteristics of life and technology is a huge driving force that many embrace.  Relevance in technology appears to be the worldly theme and the living trend in this 21st century and appears that it will keep driving forward until the end of the world.  The tools, equipment, designs, ergonomics, all have something relevant that assists the human being to be occupied with the "next new technology" to make life easier.  

Since the beginning of creation from the the book of Genesis, we learned that God had a plan and created the heavens and the earth then continued on with his ideas and created man and woman.  Unfortunately, SIN came and is like a "virus" that continues to plague what was "good" in all what God has created.  This virus grows, and lives in technology like the human who have sin, it grows in them, until their heart stops and is destroyed

There is an answer to this world epidermic!. 

As devoted followers of Jesus Christ, we know the biblical laws, the prophecies told, and the Gospel Of Jesus and His coming for His bride and so we pray the Holy Spirit will guide us, teach us, give us the power to reconcile God's people through the Gospel given to us.  We are witness's of the Gospel, ambassadors for His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven the salt, and light for this "dark" plagued with "viruses" -  world.

Technology is the attractive element or vessel which the world has embraces and  captivates the human being to be occupied, busy, and to long for the "next new technology" that will make life "easier".  The enemy is working hard to keep people occupied, busy, focused on the "next new technology" and is doing a very good job, I might add.

As teachers of the word of God,  Pastors, apostles, we are all ambassadors for Christ, the salt, and the light. What is God's strategy to "spice" up lifestyles as we go into this technological driven world and make disciples for Christ?  You see, many believers have "given up"with what is, "relevant" to which every next generation  embraces. They may be overwhelmed by the many features unfamiliar from what they have grown up with and how it can "improve" their lifestyle.   Personally, I am getting to that age where some of the "gadgets" just don't fit my lifestyle.  However, if technology takes away the "light" and the truth of the Gospel, certainly I must pray the Holy Spirit to give me the power to overcome, and shed some light to set the captives free.  I must be ready to share the Gospel to a hurting soul.  "Lord, make me teachable and relevant" to speak your truths into this generation."

Technology today carries various "virus" which slows down, shut downs, and or destroys the object, or vessel.  You know what happens on your computer when a virus is detected or even on any electronic device that assist's the human being lifestyle.  How did that  make you feel?  Is it of God?  It's just another way the enemy likes to poke at us to frustrate, or confused us and "spend" money to fix our hurts.  

Every human being is plagued with a "virus", I call it SIN.  Ouch!  did I say every human being?  Yes, we are all sinners - the bible tells us in Romans.  Sin separates us from God and so we are in a prison of anger, frustration, stupidity, excuses,, etc,  and we cry out for the  "next new technology" to fix it.  The human being goes on searching for answers or just goes to sleep in their "prison".  I am not saying technology is bad, rather technology is useful for improving life here on earth.  How then can a believer learn, and use technology for the glory of God?

A biblical perspective or "biblical technology" which I like to call it, is the "next new technology" and is the Holy Spirit in us, living and growing the word of God, the Gospel of Jesus in us.  We become the light, the salt that will change technology for the glory of God because the Holy Spirit wipes out all sin through forgiveness, and enables us by power to love one another.  Choose this "new technology", accept Jesus Christ, commit your life to him, be grounded in the word of God, study, pray, fellowship with other believers, praise and worship Him daily as a living sacrifice, and wait for an opportunity to share your faith with someone.  This is the answer to this "world epidemic".

Pray, and Shout to God all you nations, go forth in His name, Lord, let the light shine in us, send us and save your people. 

As devoted followers of Jesus Christ we are the  "the next new technology" people needs to reconcile to God.  God made a way for us to be the light and salt.  He  has called us to be the "next new technology, a biblical technology".  Although it is not NEW, it's been around for over 2000 years.  Technology as a relevant biblical tool which the Gospel is communicated makes it  relevant,  fresh, and new for some who did not hear about Jesus. 

"Go therefore, and make disciples of man, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". 


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